1 person puts a finger in his mouth, and another in his asshole. When someone says go you switch quickly.
I heard Liam lost a bet and had to play Switch for 2 minutes
by UncleFuqr October 16, 2018
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A game in which one sticks one finger in their ass and another in their mouth, and when someone else yells "switch" they have to switch them.
Chris: "Dude, did you play switch last night?"
Josh: "Hell yeah bro!"
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An illegal gun modification that allows semi-automatic gun to turn fully automatic. Typically used on Glocks.
Bro I put a switch on a sniper, it shoots fast asf.
by Luxid October 9, 2022
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A slang term for a knife, blade or shank, usually a butterfly knife or any knife that has to be flicked to be opened
Oi' blud, I''l shank ya with ma new switch blud
by willa69420 May 30, 2015
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A modification added to a gun(usually a glock) that makes it fully automatic instead of single-shot.
by InfantConsumer1020 October 3, 2022
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A common 2-player game. It's where one person puts one thumb in their ass and the other in their mouth. When the other person says "Go" they alternate thumb placement.
Do you think Brandon plays switch? I don't know, check his thumbs to find out.

I saw Caleb's thumbs yesterday, he's a switcher for sure.
by switcher in chief November 22, 2021
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Said when you want someone to alter behavior or change their attitude. Sally kept arguing with Dave about the earth being flat, and he told her to switch.
by superman369 July 13, 2022
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