Someone who resorts to using easy / overused comebacks because they're too slow to come up with an original one on the spot. Some of which include:

"Cry about it"
"Stay mad"
"No one asked"
Guy 1: "You know you can't end racism by creating a petition on, right?"
Guy 2: *in head* "shit, i can't think of anything. what do i do..."
Guy 2: "Cope. xD"
Guy 1: "Same insult again? Man, you really are Schrodinger’s slug."
by MinkleMic July 27, 2021
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Little globs of spunk left on wall of bathtub after mastubating in the shower.
Awww man, i almost slipped and fell in the tub because jermy left tub slugs in the shower.
by Shane Corbin April 3, 2010
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A Metal Band which it's music resembles the sound of my asshole after having a bad curry.
Person 1: Are you taking a dump in there?
Person 2: No, I'm having a shower and listening to Guttural Slug
Person 1: Ok......
by Rotten Turkey March 21, 2023
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a shitty metal band that has awful lyrics but good drums and the members are nice
“hey have you heard of guttural slug?”
“of course! who hasn’t? they suck ass though”
by miukiiieeeiei November 21, 2021
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Sitting on the couch,recliner,bed ETC. well others around are cleaning.
Stop slug-sittin well im right here cleaning.
by savage213456789 February 9, 2010
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A rug made out of Slug slime or Slug corpses
by February 18, 2021
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When a female smears her vagina across a man/woman’s face all the way down to the toe
by Jefferythegoat January 8, 2022
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