fingering a girl with your index and middle fingers, the fingers used on a tech deck, covered in hot cheetos crums.
Person A: I gave Mary a spicy tech deck on friday.
Person B: With the hot cheetos i gave you?
by Pickels bff September 26, 2011
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When a female farts and queefs simultaneously while performing a summersault.

It is also possible to spicy tuna roll while dismounting from a sexual position.
Hank: Dude, I was banging out this chick last night and she gave me a spicy tuna roll when she was done.

Stephany: That's gross.
by BEJ0124 June 10, 2011
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a frequent police patrolled area
or a narcotics agent with undercover agents
Yo I'm tryna buy that....that ..shit I heard you got it naw ni99a you smell hot n spicy to me.

Yo ni99a you going to the park to light up that jibby?
Hell naw ni99a its hot n spicy in the muddafucka
by Silex Proctor May 17, 2004
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When you accidentally touch your dick with something hot and you have to cool it off and you think of milk, the milk immediately becomes Spicy Dick Milk
Man: I was seasoning some food and some fell onto my penis and it was so spicy that I had to stick it in some milk

Other Man: Thats called Spicy Dick Milk.
by DickMilkIsSpicy July 6, 2017
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The act of shitting on ones keys after eating Mexican food
Hey John, you seem my keys? "Ya man, Marcus gave you the spicy keychain."
by Jack the shitter December 16, 2013
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During anal intercorse, the child receiving fat dick climbs a rope with his testicles dipped in gasoline and grabs and lightbulb. The uncle grabs the lightbulb from the child and shoves it inside the child’s anus and puts the boys dick into an outlet. The lightbulb will soon glow after a brief stroke.
I heard uncle jimmy giving spicy light bulbs to billy last night
by Bosaboy51 December 10, 2017
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When some one is a naked plate of sushi on your birthday, and they place a spicy tuna roll in their butt crack. Upon eating you feel entitled to ask people for anything you want.
Bro, for my birthday she gave me a spicy butt roll
by lawlshawk May 15, 2020
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