What Captain McAlistar from The Simpsons says.
"Yar!" - Captain McAlistar
by Mister Ignorant May 12, 2004
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Commonly spelled as "YAR!!", the word originated as "YAY", but was misspelled and is now "YAR!!". Yar basically means yay, but is used as an expression of extreme joy or elation, moreso than with the word "yay". Commonly used in internet chats/messageboards, as it sounds really gay when you say it out loud.
"I finally got <insert game title here>"

"Did you hear they caught Saddam?"
by BushyBush March 15, 2004
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Word used by homosexual pirates to describe a wealth of feelings. Also can mean yes.
Yarr me hearty, bend over so i can plunder ye booty!

Are you sure we're sailing in the right direction? well? yar or nar?
by Joe April 28, 2004
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contraction of you and are. (YOU+ARE)-(OU+E)= YAR
by &E November 13, 2003
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Abouslte lad with aa huge you know... dont mess
oi look yarred is their what a lad... go on son
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Toans "word"
by Seth January 30, 2004
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"Swayze, the Mariners lost again."
by David Ferragut November 10, 2003
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