a harry twatter is a magical hairy twat
a harry twatter makes love the best as its a magical experience every single time i mean every time i put my cock inside her she made it disappear like magic
by ODog N Cali M.C N T June 29, 2009
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Bob- Dude, Sabrina is blowing up Twitter with her retweets and gay love quotes.

Joe- She's such a Twitter Twatter.
by kdouble007 August 8, 2011
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To swat someones twat.
Twatter Swatter.
Dude! He just totally Twatter Swatter that chick
Laguna Betch deserved it.
by INCHOIORWENCE September 6, 2008
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You only need a Putter and Twatter. You need a twatter til you get to the green, then its the putter
by Wasted Walk February 20, 2009
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simply a metaphor for being left out or feeling alienated.
(techno in background) Man, look at the wigger dancing over there. He looks like a fist out of twatter.
by Courtney R. Klein January 28, 2006
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