Shit G, i needs sum monay for da LaserJet Printer. I gosta get my fix!
by Anonymous October 12, 2002
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When your printer is not plugged in for a while, so every time you press print nothing happens. Then, one day, when it's plugged in again about 50 papers are printed, none of which you really needed.
"Where were you, you're 20 minutes late!"

"Sorry, I just plugged in the printer to print my paper, but I got major printer out spew."
by banana210 April 10, 2009
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When a man "fixes a woman's printer" he is actually dickin' her down. He's giving her the bomb ass dick.
Hey, Andrew. You were gone for quite awhile. What were you doing?
Oh you know, I was just fixing her printer ;).
by kayla manning September 21, 2017
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When a printer is jammed or is taking a long time to print a document for no viable reason
"Why the hell hasn't it printed yet?"
"Looks like you have printer constapation"
by Baggyeyescar May 12, 2008
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All true, we only use a fax machine here. No printers! Facts only
by Courtney Cain March 19, 2021
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When the x-axis as default is mistakenly interprinted in a default connotation
Hey did I say Set as default printer or

sex as default printer?
by Hercolena Oliver May 28, 2010
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