When a gay man sets a drink in front of you, as a proposition for sex.
Kyle was sitting at the bar alone, when Fred dropped a pink Cosmo in front if him, Kyle was struck by lightning!
by Duztin May 20, 2013
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I was immediately and overwhelmingly cunt-struck at first sight of her.
by RFazio September 29, 2022
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When a person is too nervous to speak to the person they are attracted to.
Kevin: Did Marcus go home with that girl last night?
Ed: No. we were there for three hours and he struck out looking.
by HunkStudmann August 15, 2019
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to have an enlightenment or an epiphany
president Barack obama needs to be struck by lightning and stop dithering when it comes to US Foreign Policy.
by Sexydimma March 9, 2015
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I’ve Struck Oil! When a man and a woman are engaged in a reverse 69, where the man is on top, he thrusts his cock so far into the females mouth that it goes through the back of her throat. As the blood fills in her mouth, the thrusting cock will cause it to erupt up the shaft and out of the woman’s mouth, similar to when oil bursts from an oil drill. Upon the blood erupting the man yells “I’ve struck oil!”.
Lenny: Dude I need to tell you something

Tim: what’s up
Lenny: I was reverse 69ing Becky the other night and I killed her.

Tim: excuse me?
Lenny: I slammed my Johnson so far down her throat that it stalled out of the back of her neck.
Tim: what! What did you do?
Lenny: bro I yelled “I’ve struck oil!”
Tim: right on! Wanna get some pancakes?
by Ronald McDickfart April 2, 2023
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FM radio struck occurs when every song you hear on the radio while driving home from night class reminds you of a special someone. All lyrics from different songs somehow manage to make you miss this person and their love, think of this person, wish that person was there with you and feel a sharp ache in your chest cavity. Whilst experiencing this condition blurred vision, attention diversion, heat exhaustion, and cardiac abnormalities may occur. It effects roughly 29% of the world population. Further research needs to be done to investigate the origins of this condition.
Ex 1 Traffic lights are red
- Missed change in traffic light while in deep thought about special someone. Exemplary symptoms included hearing loss to surround sounds, vision loss, altered states of consciousness. Finally snaps out of it when the Donkey behind hoots his horn

Ex 2. Driving along road
- attention is diverted because you are so into the lyrics of the song you forget everything else and your thoughts, consciousness and awareness are all consumed by the thoughts of that special person. you experience swerving into the other lane and almost hitting another car.

FM radio struck - can be dangerous but euphoric at the same time
by FmRadioStruck.traveler June 1, 2010
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