It's a word used in anal sex when you pull it out of your partners ass and it makes that "Phrrppppp" sound
by iiGoldenstorm March 9, 2018
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a white chick who'll only do black dudes. (ALSO CALLED...MUD SHARK, COAL BURNER, FENCE JUMPER, CHOCOLATE DIPPER.")
I thought she preferred white meat, but it seems she now only sips chocolate milk. She has turned into quite the little 'snicker licker.'
by weave October 7, 2003
when you cover a mans nuts in chocolate, caramel, and nougat and then proceed to suck them.
man my girl gave me the most amazing snickers last night, she licked me clean, it was so kinky!
by GINA BITCH! September 4, 2008
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I was going to go down on her, but she had real witch snicker.
by troy tanning June 20, 2020
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One who supplies Snickers to those who get hangry.
Tim gets so angry when he's hungry. Thank God for the snickers fairy who keeps putting Snickers in his desk drawer.
by Zagubus July 6, 2016
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After eating a lot of corn, there can appear a lot of unprocessed grains of corn in your shit.It resembles a snickers chocolate bar,shit-stained grains look like pieces of peanut covered with nougat .Therefore that shit can be called snickers shit.
Man, I ate a lot of corn last night, I had a snickers shit this morning.
by Solid Kong Snake April 3, 2020
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when someone has really bad teeth. When they are really brown and nasty. It looks as if they have a snickers bar all jammed up in their teeth.
Dennis the janitor had messed up teeth and when he smiled he had "snickers grill"
by crazyhrlady July 31, 2009
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