dry, brown, crumbly, or otherwise low quality weed.

bam, being short for bammer, and schwag meaning weed.
Bob: I just got a $50 ounce!

Fred: How? Was it some bam schwag?

Bob: Yeah, but I'll just sell this shit to some stupid freshman and buy myself some chronic with the profit!

Fred: Legit. We'll burn it fat.
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The white stuff left in a pot after boiling lobster claw and or tails.
Pete and Bessie were finished with their lobster tails, and looking for remnants in the pot, but all they found was lobster schwag.
by Benny123 April 15, 2012
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When you smoke some crappy ganja (schwag) and get very tired and start to crash.
I smoked a big joint of some mexican schwag, now i suffer from schwag lag and must sleep.
by R2thaC October 28, 2009
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A low life homosexual male that will perform sexual acts for any kind of marijuana much like a female "crack ho"
Man i met a schwag fag at the bar last night that was jonesin so bad he wanted to blow me for a nugget!!!
by vinny125125 November 25, 2009
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An authority figure, more specifically a policeman, who is a dickhead.
Professor Schwag was such an ass. He searched my car and took my beer and apples.
by tyrone mullaxon August 22, 2007
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1. "He's back on the schwag isn't he?? the little schwag head"
2. "He's a bad schwag head him!"
by Myo Of The Snides September 28, 2007
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A baby makin' reggae party rock band from Southern, California that will make your girl's nipples hard
"When I get a boner and I want it to go down, I listen to Buttcrack Schwag!"
by buttcrackschwag August 4, 2021
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