When somebody is talking low, gets off topic of the conversation, has random outburst, or says something you don't like, this phrase is used.

Boy1: "Man i wanna get laid tonight.."

Boy2: "Man i know these girls down the street if ya'll down"

Boy3: "Have you guys ever noticed that my nose was big?"

Boy1&2: "Mah nigga what is you sayin?"
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A phrase used to signify that a previous comment one made was not intended to cause offense or annoyance, but was simply a statement of a personal opinion or an observation that the stater doesn't care enough to fight over.
Person A: That video you posted looked faked to me.
Person B: Why are you being a troll?
Person A: I'm not trolling, I'm just sayin'.
by not_trollin' August 15, 2010
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When one is concerned about the integrity of said pizzas and airs the concern with the owner , so to speak , of the pizza.
Person 1: what's that pizza sayin'
Person 2: it's pepperoni from rios down the road
Person 1: *high pitched laughter* ye lad init
by HIVen July 6, 2017
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When someone says something you agree with, don't just say "yeah" or "i agree" go all out and say "THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYIN' BRO!"
Phil:"Yo dude, Packers are probably going to win the 2010-2010 Super Bowl."
by Call_Me_T R U T H January 19, 2011
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an ebonic expression said after your homeboy or homegirl makes a statement to you, in which he or she expresses concern for mutual understanding.
dese mudda fuccas be trippin over nothin, u feel whatim sayin'
i gotta go get me my bread, feel what im sayin'
by mscojr October 14, 2010
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1. Abbreviated phrase of the longer expression "I'm not sayin, Im just sayin," meaning to merely suggest an idea or comment without making it your personal opinion or belief.

2. To say something aloud without advocating or supporting it
"Dude why do poor people have so many fucking children? They should have to agree to permanent birth control before they apply for welfare."

-- "Hahah so you think poor people shouldnt have kids???"

--" I dunno Im not sayin, i'm just sayin..."
by Lil Wayne23344 August 5, 2008
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