Promiscuous underage girls who insist on wearing skimpy clothes, usually seen in beach towns during the summer
Be careful, those girls aren't 18, they're prostitots."
by Patzilla13 May 12, 2011
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1. (n) a really hot girl who is also really young, between the ages of 5 and 14, usually.
Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen used to be quite the prostitots.

Wow, your 12 year old sister would make a good prostitot!
by TheMayorAl August 30, 2004
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Little girls who dress like hookers, because they think it's attractive.. usually caught flaunting their wall-like figures.
by Daryl Kiera March 23, 2007
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Girls, who are between the ages of 9 - 16, that "hooch it out" desperatelly trying to be like "Brittany" or "Christina". These prostitots are usually found in hordes a the local mall, thus, making shopping a rather unpleasant and tedious experience for the rest of us.
For examples - Take a trip to the food court at your local mall.
by skinnykittie February 12, 2005
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a slut whos too young to be legal in porn
that pristitots tits loook like flapjacks
by die nigger April 22, 2003
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Locally, used to describe the "hoochies" from the university that come into town looking like whores, but are too immature to make such outfits look convincing.
Every Friday night, the downtown core becomes overrun with Brock's (university's) prostitots.
by X'ster July 1, 2006
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