When you're blazed more than a trailer park redneck's ass on the 4th of July and it's too dark outside to see the cars you're attempting to parallel park between so you just let Jesus take the wheel and pray you don't hit anything.
Stoned shotgun passenger: Dude dude dude dude stop you're gonna hit something!

Stoned driver: Relax dude, I'm Intuitive Parallel Parking.

Drunk back-seat passenger: qaStaH nuq jay'?!!!
by BourbonDickanary January 9, 2023
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When's someones mom is so flat, that their chest and ass are parallel
Cade: Hey man, your moms parallel
Gino: Ha, thats funny, cause its true
by thebearrug35 February 2, 2016
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A big pp man who is natural enemies with eva
Look at that dude, he could be the next {doggo of the parallel universe}!
Poggers, that man will be epik.
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" Remember Brian back in high school? When i took my trip up to san fran last month, i actually ran into him; and from what i saw/ heard, now he's Going from Parallel to Perpendicular.

Never thought he'd swing that way, but i guess he does now.
by sfjhsfh June 30, 2009
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It means there is more than one version of facts and they can exist side by side. It can also mean parallel truth and parallel evidence, in a sense.
"I saw a baseball game yesterday when I saw a guy hit two home runs, I said. Really? I went to that game with you but I only saw him hit one home run, my friend said." What we have are parallel facts. We both are saying actual facts that happened, I replied."
by Magnumb,Private Eye September 15, 2022
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You see it right?
Hym "I mean... You see the parallel right? I mean I've said the exact same thing about what's happening to me! Megyn Kelly quoted me! Rememer that? Extrajudicial punishment and not a sycophant? Were we there for that? It at least vaguely analogous! This "It's fine when it happens to Hym but I can't possibly see why it would happen to ME" shit is absurd! I could literally repeat what you're saying and it would apply me and accurately describe my situation BETTER than it does yours. You at least know you're doing this. You had to know someone would use it against you if you decided to participate. And you did. You made a conscious decision to participate in something that is so bizzare it literally made me a a character in a superhero show. Why pretend."
by Hym Iam January 12, 2023
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It's like this I I 👈 or like that 👉 =
Iam "No... I see the parallel... Hmm..."

Hym "Well, I hate to break it to you but they just (straight up) don't want to do the thing that you said is what's best. What's happening is what you said would happen. The ideal is not an abstraction and technology has made it hyper-accessible. So that's just what is going to happen. Cause? Meet Effect. 'Oh, hi Effect! Nice to meet you I'm Cause!'..."

Iam "And I'm not positing that as a solution. They are and they're doing a pretty good job of enforcing it. It's this horrific Orwellian spectacle but yeah..."

Hym "And they're also NOT doing that. They're also withholding until their value declines and/or circumambulating the marketplace. And nobody wants to be choice number 100 or 15 or even 2."

Iam "I hate to even bring it back up but I feel like I haven't touched on it in a while. I'm just one guy and I'm not even one of proponents of the thing I'm talking about."

Hym "Well, technically..."

Iam "Fine, 'key' proponents. And I don't have a solution that's better than the one that's already being used by these'key proponents'. Disillusion of destructive narratives, accountability for negative behavior, and a criteria that isn't ENTIRELY ID driven."
by Hym Iam May 13, 2022
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