The nightstick police and rent-a-cops carry with them, mainly to make them feel big and tough, but sometimes to use it on pickpockets or dope-smoking teenagers.
"Man, the Mickey Mouse patrol busted my ass with their attitude adjusters last night when they caught me with a joint."
by Foxytrot May 15, 2006
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One has a bad attitude if they don't agree with Richard or anyone who is just a dumb cunt.
You have a bad attitude you dumb cunt.
by Richard G November 9, 2006
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A girl in her teens who is bitchy, has a harsh attitude, is possibly a quebecunt and is very ugly but thinks she is hot. Her main fault being that she has a box shaped body, thus can be refered as a box with atitude.
-Wow, what's her probleme?
-Ignore her, she's just a box with attitude.
by the truth inc January 14, 2006
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Usually a female taking an abrupt attitude or posture in a defensive way against a guy they don't know simply because they were approach by them thereby taking the offense to it. Some females claim this attitude is triggered by 'stranger danger' while others say they do it because they feel entitled to do such against a guy they have no interest in.
A guy approaches a female online and says 'your cute.' She responds back, 'YOUR WACK!!' He responds back what does that mean? She says, "odale.. ya im spoiled and i do get everything i want ... and by me say ur wack MEAN YOUR NOT WORTH MY TIME***." The guy says back stop 'kicking an attitude' with me!
by strangerdanger87110 July 17, 2009
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created by Rupaul drag race season 11 contestant “Silky Nutmeg Ganache” also know as Reginald Steele the 28 year old African-American from Moss Point, Mississipi
“Attitude Check

Fuck You
by MemeTrail March 7, 2019
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An Attitude Check is the act of giving someone anal sex to remind them to check their attitude because it has been out of line lately.

It is often used to teach partners in a relationship that they are not all that sweet as they claim. The universe doesn't revolve around them because their getting drilled in the anus.
Friend: Bro, I heard your girl has been giving you a lot of trouble lately...
Me: Yea man... I don't know what to do...
Friend: Bro, it's simple... just give her an attitude check.
by lagmahol March 9, 2010
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An excellent gang of masterful rap artists. Members are Flame Pope, Doc Pope, Bird Pope, Child-lover Pope, and Slut Pope. They hate the jews, and are believed to be responsible for bringing ideas of the "Neo Nazis" to America. They would love nothing more then to send all of the jews to Germany and start up the ovens again.

Child-lover Pope died of AIDS in the early ninties, and it is believed he contracted the disease from a contaminated minor.
"Yo homie! Lets go back to my place and put on some P.W.A. while we join the Neo Nazi forum."

"Bwooo, popes with attitude! Bwoooo, popes with attitude! When something happens in southern Italy, nothin happens, it's just another pope dead! Straight out the Vatican! Crazy motha fucker named Flame Pope, in a gang called Popes with attitude!"
by Sam Rankis July 13, 2006
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