Drew: did you hear about robert and melissa with the baby?

Kasia: NO?

Drew: Yous a straight doomie loke
by Dominic Bates August 9, 2006
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loked out, to be out of your mind, not all there at the time.
can come and go not always a bad thing and not always a good thing. just acting real. doing something that is super intense or crazy.
damn i was so drunk last night i had sex with the 49 year old bus driver! that shit was loked out.

you see joe 360 flip that 20 stair last night? that was way loked out, can not believe he landed that.
by Shaq Money July 14, 2008
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A high state of intoxication caused by drinking Four Loko. Side effects include severe blackouts, hyperness, rapid bursts of energy, sudden and extreme dance moves, and creepy dancing. Users have been known to challenge other Loko partakers to dance walk-offs and foot races.

This hybrid alcohol and energy drink was named "Four Loko" after the developers of the substance discovered that they could not go to sleep before 4AM on a night where they consumed the drink.
Dude, did you see me at the late night dance party last night? I was so loked up, I don't even remember where I went or how I got home.
by lndp November 2, 2010
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The word meaning to "like like" someone or to like them, but not love them yet.
I really loke you.

Person 1: How are you and that girl doing?
Person 2: I don't know, I think I loke her, but I'm confused.
Person 1: Derp.
by Derpity Derp Derp. April 16, 2010
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A real nigga who goes ham. Someone who is going hard.
Wow, I'm gonna loke dawg this kid.
Alright, loke dawging.
This kid is taking the hot loke dawg.
Fuck, i just got loke dawgd.
by Thugjuice November 21, 2013
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