Another way of saying indeed.

1. Used to emphasize a statement or response.
2. Used to emphasize a description, typically of a quality or condition.
Girl: Does this dress make me look fat?
Guy: Indeedness.
by Ophaq July 19, 2011
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Hey Mo! You coming to Friday night?
Indeedely I am!
by jimaymay October 10, 2010
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when you use indeed twice, consecutively, in a conversation; therefore the second time you would say double indeed
"It's raining" - person
"Indeed" - you
"It's cold" - person
"Double indeed" - you
by urban frindle December 15, 2010
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An affirmative word used specifically to accept an offer or request to play the popular tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons (DnD).
Frotchoubulop: Hey Scongulous! Wanna play some DnD later?
Scongulous: D-indeed, bro!
by gigantic flopper March 1, 2021
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A childish version of the word Indeed
John: Dude, do you got the new Assassins Creed?

Daniel: Indeedity!
by Danteeee!!!!!! January 2, 2011
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She is a very very nice girl that just wants the best for everyone. She most likely will leave you on read if she’s Sad, Mad, Stressed, Annoyed or pretty much any emotion. She gets called pretty a lot but doesn’t believe it. She most likely likes one boy at a time and really just goes for personality. When she is sad or whatever she doesn’t like when you put yourself before cause she doesn’t ever feel loved. She HATES when you compare your life to hers. And Oh my gosh don’t get me started when she tells you who she likes DO NOT SHARE WHY HE LIKES YOU OR HOW HE TEXTS YOU MORE CAUSE SHE DOESNT CARE. At the end of the day she is a really nice person and she just wants friends and to be loved.
She’s amazing that’s all i gotta say. Indee Faith
by Indee Martinez November 29, 2020
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