A conservative slur in which they use (instrumentally) "The FEAR of child molestation" to persecute their ideological enemies.
Hym "Conservatives like to use the fear of child molestation instrumentally to slander their ideological enemies as 'Groomers.' The implication is that their ideological enemies are 'Pedophile-adjacent' and the accusation is used to persecute and/or control them oppressively. They also relentlessly mock the WOMEN (which is a big no-no for Good men according to Dr Jordan Peterson). By DR-er DISGRACED DR. JORDAN BEELZEBUB PETERSON'S OWN LOGIC conservatives are tyrants who use fear to get what they want and are, therefore, little men who are not right for the job! Which means you should not EVER give them any political power. Because they are tyrants who use fear! The fear of child molestation. By Jordan Peterson's own logic! Hey, Jordan... What's the name of Batman's son? What's the name of the new Robin? And what's MY name? What do people call me? Remember what I said? What do people call me?"
by Hym Iam September 8, 2023
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When you first hear the word “groomer” you might thing of a pet groomer washing & manipulating the fur.

This is how we think of groomers brainwashing & manipulating the thoughts of others.

Narcissists are known for grooming victims of their abuse to think it’s ok.
Religions & cults have been known to groom people into their beliefs.
American conservatives have started to use the term primarily directed towards sexual predators .

This term has been used to refer to situations of abuse in psychology for years now.
It has nothing to do with the LGBTQIA+ community
“He was just grooming you to think that way.”
“I was groomed to believe some wild things as a child.”
“I’m afraid your partner is an abusive groomer.”
by Am_non October 20, 2023
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a person who gives out free discord nitro to young 14 year old girls on the one condition that is swaping nudes
Person 1: Hey did you get groomed yesterday?
Person 2: yes, Drop#2040 was my groomer!
by therealunkownog April 24, 2022
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The person you take your pet to when your pet needs a haircut
by Tobyvenom May 26, 2023
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Sending “dirty” pictures to a person underaged/minor; doing something sexually to a person underaged/minor
Person 1: Have you heard that ___ was a groomer?
Person 2: Omg really? I really looked up to them, that’s disgusting.
by choiri December 10, 2020
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E.g tony logroomer (btw thats rlly rude)
by hxhe.addiq February 2, 2021
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