The belief that 99% of gamblers quit before they "win big"
Upon coming down with this syndrome one must be considered a lost cause.
person1: I'm gonna win big sometime I know it!
person2: I think you just have Gambling Syndrome...
by ASaneHuman June 8, 2023
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When u win a few times and wanna quit not giving action back to the nigga u beat out the money
Ed I beat you once I don't wanna play no mo
King U roach gambling now winning money and leaving without giving me a chance to win it back?
by MrShutdown19 April 13, 2017
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A "Dirty Gamble" is an instance where a betting or gambling situation is created with set rules. And after the game is created and the bet and/or wager is made, the rules are changed.
Hey I won the 4th quarter on the super bowl squares, where is my money. I'm sorry I told everyone that I could find at work the day before the super bowl that it's final score not 4th quarter. I was not at work that day. That was a dirty gamble.
by DarkLobo February 9, 2017
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When a person has to leave the house at an exact time, or has visitors coming over and they need to shit. They gamble that they'll have enough time to shit.
"Last night we had guests coming over and I decided to shit gamble - It didn't work"
by tantg69 August 29, 2011
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While in the middle of masturbating you realize you forgot to lock the door, initiating "The Gamble Game" where you continue masturbating with a 50/50 shot of someone walking in on you.
"Hey, Steve, did you hear about Adam?"
"He was playing The Gamble Game...and lost. He can't look his mom in the eyes anymore.
by cruise23 June 20, 2010
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