to agree to something, ok, sure.
Boy: call me tomorrow?
Girl: okie dokie pokie
by Veronica Tyler August 16, 2007
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A word that a retard uses when they don't know shit and want to change the subject
Student: "Why does investment contribute to AD?"
Economist teacher: "Okie Dokie, that's not part of the course"
by KlaraPravda April 23, 2018
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dokie- (dough-key)

To rack oneself, more specifically with a round object.

To be used in the presence of ladies.
When I jumped over the stairs, I didn't quite make it, and I caught the dokie.
by dnm August 24, 2005
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When one finds out their boyfriend or girlfriend or other intimate lover has been cheating on them and rubs poison oak on the cheating parties undergarments and sex apparatus's.
My girlfriend was cheating on me with another woman and they both suffered a wrathful Oakie Dokie.
by PsymonCasanova February 7, 2018
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When your girl gives you head so good you get up and make her a sandwich
Her: babe I'm hungry
You: okie doki?
Her: yes, okie doki.
by Rooster0003 April 21, 2017
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Introduced to the Philippines Islands circa February 2008. Since then this unique expression has gained enormous popularity. The epicenter of this idiom appears to have been Balagtas. Balagtas is a suburb in a province due north of Manila.
After getting into the jeepney, Tanya tells the driver, "Take me to the Dunkin Donuts in Balagtas."

Driver replies, "oki doki smoki."
by clearcoated September 26, 2008
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When someone says hey kiddo it generally is an insalt because they mean it like they are so much more mature than you are ven if they are younger than you. And okie dokie means okay slow down so in a sense this sentence is very mean and you should never call someone a kiddo or say okie dokie to them. It makes them pissed st you. If your girlfriend ever says okie dokie kiddo than you have to leave her casue she is trying to insult you.
"Yo what did she say to you?" "Nothing except okie dokie kiddo and then she went home laughing ."
by UGH A GUY January 15, 2018
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