A conversation that includes 4 lines

Guy 1 says:
Guy 2 says:
Guy 1 says:
i gotta go
Guy 1 says:
Guy 1: DUDE, i just got a 4-line-convo pulled on me
Guy 3: uuuhh.... go fuck urself
by Czepa May 28, 2007
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Used as an exclamation when interrupting someone else's conversation.
Person 1: "Hey how are you?"
Person 2: "Oh yeah, it was good, but-"
Person 3: "C-C-CONVO BREAKER!"
by Laproject February 12, 2015
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A Convo Breaker(or C-C-C-C-C-CONVO BREAKER!) occurs when something is said that results in a long, drawn out or otherwise awkward silence, effectively breaking the conversation.
(12:34)<Ternal-sempai> I can't remember the last time I played a game that induced catharsis.

(12:34)<Ternal-sempai> Can YOU??!?!?

(12:47)<Ternal-sempai> C-C-C-C-C-CONVO BREAKER!
by Rast Sekyd May 5, 2009
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The breaking of a conversation with a word or sequence of words, otherwise know as a sentence.
Jim: Just because I fucked your mom?
by HawtSpawtSICKS May 6, 2009
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Someone who tries to start a conversation with everyone all the time and is bare jarring
"You know Emma?"
"Yeah ?"
"She won't shut up. Such a convo warrior"
by Wezumbo January 14, 2022
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Words or phrase used to start a conversation with a girl or stranger. It usually intended to make the second person interested and reciprocate.
Mustifa: Remember that girl we saw at mall.
Saka: Yeah, the blonde?.
Mustifa: We bumped into eachother again and we meeting for a date tonight.
Saka: Really!
Mustifa: Trust my crazy convo-starters

Saka: lol
by K Supreme March 29, 2018
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Being in a conversation on your phone with multiple people, just watching people text, not texting back and acting like your not even there.
Thomas: Where's Haley? She's in the convo isn't she?

Megan: I think she's here, she's just not talking, she's convo stalking us.
by Next_lvl_Strats August 8, 2014
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