for a collage or university residence, when you have roommate that you hardly ever see and are always unaware of anything about that person.
holy shit ghost is back.

my roommate is a ghost.
by duffbeer69 November 5, 2010
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A Covenant vehicle in Halo, also known as the Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle. It is highly maneuverable, fast, and deadly. But it can be destroyed easily. In campaign, it can be piloted by Elites, Marines, Grunts, and Spartans

UNSC equivalent: Mongoose
Brute equivalent: Chopper
"Ghost inbound!" -UNSC Marine
"Get a rock lock on that Ghost!" -player (rock lock is a tracking rocket)
"God*Warthog horn*it, f*Warthog horn*ing Ghost!"
by an elite April 20, 2009
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A term meaning you're leaving. Similar to "outta here."
I don't like those people you invited over so I'm ghost.
by Nathan Tiberius July 2, 2007
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(v.) to take someone's item in any of the iterations of Mario Kart using the Boo item.
Mario Karter: Haha! I just ghosted your 'shrooms, bud!
by Babyface Killah February 10, 2009
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(Verb) In order to ghost a girl, you must begin having anal sex with her against a window. After a little while, pull your dick out and allow your waiting friend to insert his. This must be done quickly so that the girl is unaware. Then sneak outside, and suddenly press yourself against the window, making the girl think she is seeing a ghost. Recommended that you do this only if you intend to break up with the girl in the near future
I wanted to break up with Jane, so I asked Dan to help me ghost her
by J-slicket April 23, 2006
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This occurs when a person goes "offline" on Facebook but continues to creep and look at pictures.
H: I saw you updated your status.

K: How? You weren't online.

H: I was ghosting..

K: Creeper!
by CrossCountryFool15 August 11, 2010
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(verb) The act of stubbornly going and remaining afk for hours on end, almost always while in the middle of an IM chat. A ghoster will not indicate that they are going afk, or will be afk ten times longer than suggested. Almost always occurs when the other IM chatters desperately require the attention or assistance of the ghoster.
<4w350m3k1d1337> haha yea tht sounds epic

<bAsEmEnTfIeNd> it totaly was, u hav no idea

<4w350m3k1d1337> shit on it, we hav a hmwrk asinemnt for thurs, dont we? dude i totaly frogot, wut was it agen?

<4w350m3k1d1337> dude, uthar? u ghosting bro?

<4w350m3k1d1337> ffs DUDE WAEK UP!!!11!!

~ bAsEmEnTfIeNd ~ has been inactive for 10 minutes and may not reply

<4w350m3k1d1337> GODAMIT SHELLDON
by JLeog September 11, 2011
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