Sweet, Beloved, and a kind heart for all to enjoy
“she’s an ayesha.”
by xXPxssySlayerXx November 24, 2021
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One hella sexy girl with a bad ass attitude , Ayeshas are really crazy when they with their friends but Ayeshas are also strong and not good luck if you mess with them ...
Speaker 1 : she's like hell and heaven

Speaker 2: bro , it's an Ayesha
by _some legit dipshit_!!! June 12, 2021
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She is the best woman I have ever met, she deserves the whole world and all the good it comes with it, just thinking of her makes me happier and whenever she gets I get mad at who made her sad. She is incredibly attractive and works on herself, I am very proud of her for living so long and for working so hard. I hope her family finally notices how important she is and I hope I get to be with her until I die.
Jacob: “Ayesha is fat”
Osvaldo: “Jacob, you’re wrong and you don’t deserve to be in this classroom, the only reason you are here is because you cheated and Gian is the only reason you win fights. Insult her or anybody again and I’ll beat your ass”
by Blue_Panda1357 June 2, 2022
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a person no one interacts with on twitter, the biggest flop
maaannn shes such an ayesha
by scriptedfallz May 18, 2020
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Incredibly lazy and not willing to get off their bed
You're so Ayesha like come onnnn let's go to landdd
by MeowBilly August 2, 2023
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That friend in your group who will always end up saying "Nah bro! Not Today" every time a plan is made. They will give you hope initially and then make your plan come crashing down. In short, a lazy party-pooper. Occasionally their rejection will take a variety of forms like "Oh I thought the plan was tomorrow!" or "I have another 'very important' plan to attend, you wont get me on the phone or even online".
Friend 1: Its such a cool and calming weather today. I feel like having some warm delicious biriyani and then maybe we can go for some chai on the street!
Friend 2: Yes, that's a great idea! When do you want to go?
Friend 1: Well, I said the weather's great today, so some time today?
Friend 2: OH! I thought you meant tomorrow or the day after. Nah man! I have to be elsewhere to do some work.
Friend 1: You are such an Ayesha dude!!
by TrustMeTooBro November 24, 2021
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Ayesha is the most perfect person in the whole entire universe! Nothing or no one can ever come close to her! She has a perfect personality and perfectly mesmerising beauty<33 She is perfect and flawless!! She will always be the most special, most important and most precious person ever!! Be careful one glance at her will make you fall in love! But too bad she’s mine! I love youuuu
Ayesha is my wife<33
by xhjlaytx August 1, 2022
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