A little shit hole that no one will ever come to or should never come to.

It is a place filled with only the worst of hicks that love the Confederate flag and God more than their cousin that they probably fucked.

But hey, atleast it has a decent school... if you like putting up with horrid teachers that make you seem like an idiot for trying.

Also Viola is an ugly name.
Some random person - "I'm from Viola, Arkansas!"

Someone like me - "."
by OuhClothing July 17, 2016
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Name of the girl who is friggin' awesome, hot and badass as fuck.
Damn! That girl, Viola Fae, she's so drop-dead gorgeous, I wanna marry her.
by Scientifically legit August 6, 2015
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A band from the UK that dove off a bridge in Sweden for no apparent reason and all fuckin died.
Man, have you heard of that new band viola beach? Well they all fuckin died and then got ran over by an oil tanker
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A fight between violists and violinists, people that play two of the most beautiful-sounding instruments in the string family. Even though both sides are to blame for constantly arguing, the violinists are mostly accused of starting the fight by creating and posting jokes about viola players.

E. g.

"What's the difference between firewood and a viola? Firewood burns longer."

The main argument that violinists use against viola players, is that viola is an easier instrument to learn. Which is accurate, to some degree, as the instrument is bigger than violin, thus, it is easier to avoid accidentally playing the wrong note. But let's not forget about the fact, that not everyone finds this an advantage.

Violin players often say, that viola players are just violinists who couldn't play the violin, because it was too difficult for them.
Person 1 "Hey, dude, how do you prevent your violin from getting stolen?"

Person 2 "I don't know. How?"

Person 1 "By keeping it in a viola case!"

Person 2 *laughs* "Viola sucks, am I right?"

Person 3 "That's not true! Both violin and viola have a beautiful sound!"

Person 1 & 2 "Dude, you're ruining the whole point of the viola and violin fight!"
by A Cat In An Elevator August 18, 2022
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LITERALLY THE COOLEST DUDE AROUND! Anthony is definitely the hottest dude around. Pulls ALL the chicks. Sleeps in underwear. Loves classic music. Best buddy anyone could ask for. Anthony = The 🐐
by 06Richie19 October 16, 2022
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"Man this presentation is really hard! " "I know should we complain about it to Mrs. Dietschweiler? "
Or if this ever happens to you : "You forgot your Murphy?" "Yes" " Bring a cake ! " then someone pulled a Dietschweiler on you. This is a dietschweiler viola .
by devuns December 11, 2016
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