The process of a hearty womanly qweef in ones eye until one passes out. Results in the crusting over of the poor bastards eye. Once the crust has been removed, you will notice some reddening of the eyes and dialation of pupils.
My doctor says I need to limit my krusty rabbi intake.
by crusty butt pirate February 13, 2011
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Rabbi Burstyn is an amazing and caring rabbi.
Everyone looks up to him and his students love him. They admire his unique ability to connect with each and every girl. The school is meant for refined nice smart girls. Some girls don’t get excepted. These girls are sometimes referred to as “wolfs” in reference to a girl living in New York that was rejected.
He owns a school in Los Angeles called bais yaakov school for girls academy.
“Did rabbi Burstyn accept you?”
“No it’s not the type”
by Pesukay dezimer November 29, 2021
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Crypto Jew and Shabbos goy commentators on the Rumble video platform who complain all day about companies' woke agendas, but curiously refuse to ever name the Khazarian common link behind them all. Obviously in the service of the nation wreckers who wish to divide and conquer because causing a problem that goes relatively unnoticed is itself useless unless you can also cause outrage and point the finger elsewhere. Typically supports Israeli terror to help wash goyim tax dollars to their Khazarian MIC masters, draft the goyim into war, crush the US with massive debt, and drive angry refugees from the Middle East to America. See also, Walshism.
The Quartering, Salty Cracker, and Rekieta Law are all notorious Rumble Rabbis.
by Objective-Reason Daddy November 4, 2023
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A black man falsely accused of being a jew (Also reffered as a "Rabbi") for the purpose of humor.
Yo, man, look at David; he's such a Rabbi Rhonson!
by Richard Bison April 5, 2008
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A Halloween costume consisting of a black bra hanging over your head while wearing black pajamas
Hey Epstein, did you see Benjamin at the Halloween party? You think he could have spent a few dollars and gotten a semi decent costume instead of that Rabbi Bradonovich get up which fooled no one!
by Oscart Mattball September 9, 2023
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He possesses a formidable masculine energy, embodying strength and a passion for physical fitness. While his intellectual abilities may not be his strongest suit, he compensates with an unwavering dedication to his physical training. His penchant for confrontations has led him into numerous battles, as he strives relentlessly to claim the title of the ultimate victor.
Despite his tough exterior, he showcases a warm and composed demeaner in the company of his close friends. However, one should be wary, for if anyone were to harm his beloved friends or family, he swiftly transforms into a relentless force, capable of becoming one's worst nightmare.

On the other hand, Rabbi possesses immense untapped potential, which unfortunately remains untapped due to his reluctance to put in the necessary effort. He consistently seeks shortcuts, overlooking the virtues of hard work and perseverance that could unlock his true capabilities.
Rabbi is strong and tough
by YouRizzedUPMySoul June 27, 2023
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Medical staff or doctor that specialises in removing ones foreskin whitout any sedation whatsoever. This act is usually performed in order to clean up the ridiculous mess some people happen to have between their legs. The process is usually excruciatingly painfull and disgusting, though neccessary to save ones penis from exploding while taking part in sexual intercourse with their primary genital organs. It is roughly comparable to being circumcised.

Must ot to be confused with the jewish, religious Priest.
This fucking Rabbi cut off my cock!
by BrunumAlbanum January 14, 2022
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