So I heard you like cheese is a commonly-used catchphrase by many people. Many people who use it eventually lose their sanity. It is unknown how it makes people lose their sanity, but there are currently two main possibilities.
1. The word's order somehow makes the brain malfunction until many brain cells die, making the person mentally insane.
2. People who say it are already insane, but insane in a way that makes them say this strange sentence.

People who say it who aren't insane usually say it as a joke, to annoy someone, or they actually want to know.
Person 1: So I heard you like cheese.

Person 2: Yeah, why do you ask?

Person 1: (Brain Malfunctions) Cheese shall rule the world and kill us for eating their children!

Person 2: He's insane.

Person 3: So I heard you like cheese.

Person 2: I think you're insane.

Person 3: No, I just want to annoy you.
by Masterman2000 February 18, 2012
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When you try some new food that tastes so delicious it makes you wonder "why can't my mom cook this well?". This thought makes you so angry that you feel like slapping your mom for feeding you mediocre food.

Of course, this is usually meant as a joke or figure of speech. Most people love their mothers and would never do such a thing.
Kid 1: Yo dawg, I'm tired of eatin' at home. My momma feeds me the same ol' grilled cheese sandwich for lunch every-damn-day.

Kid 2: Don't sweat it home slice. Why don't you come on over to ma crib after school? I'll make you to best PB & J sandwich you've eva tasted. Tastes so good, make you wanna slap yo momma!

Kid 1: Yeaaah boii!!
by The Amazing Jazzy Jas August 7, 2009
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Cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in
Guy 1-"Yo I just engaged in cutting his peen in half so I can stick my peen in."
Guy 2-"Is that when you are cutting the peen in half so you can stick the peen in?"
Guy 1-"Yea it is"
Guy 2-"Thats fucking hot"
by MinecraftProPlayer200 November 6, 2018
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It's a very honest message from Youtube that appears on video results section of Google Search. It's a good message to let people stay away from Youtube or encourage them to use adblockers and apps (like Vanced).
Watch ads now so you can enjoy fewer interruptions.
- Susan Wojcicki
by Shiine-1 December 28, 2022
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andandaanannat a supermarket... you control the guy or the women who runs the rurunurr... brings out the carts ononnonon on a forklift... WHAT HAPPENS?
Have you ever committed a 1.2 billion... so you go ahead and stack spaghetti sauce at a store in real life.
by [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ September 28, 2021
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A rhetorical question aimed to degrade a person’s true passions to exemplify the more sophisticated interests of another, especially when trying to serve an example of how much (or how little) substance someone has to offer in the context of online dating.
Wow, John is a very well educated fella with a deep passion for reading books on domestic policies across democratic nations, he can certainly get women with all those smarts! How about you, Will, so how did you find out about lil peep?
by A/b/rolol June 27, 2019
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