Being annoying little shit while Desperate for attention and or popularity.
Liam is a little snigger.
by Yahoo answers June 22, 2018
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That one word Fuck Every Word 2.0 used instead of the N word to bypass Twitter's wrath.
FEW: fuck snigger
Everyone: Whoa there, Callie. Let's keep it E for everyone.
by Green Hell Zone July 30, 2020
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It's when you see a n word eating a snickers
Guys look! It's a Snigger!
by YeetestBro October 21, 2020
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My friend daniel who looks Indian but is Italian and gives good hugs (no homo)
by UwU jackson uwu November 14, 2019
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"man that nigga told the police where the dop was, fuck that snigger"
by Roidguy February 12, 2017
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An individual who informs authority about someone else for personal gain. And this certain individual is also a liar, thief, and/or just a scandalous criminal. (Snitch and Nigger)
That snigger Keyshaun stole my last fifty bucks, and told the cops I was selling drugs out of my garage!
by Clark Gibson October 7, 2019
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