This word can be used to replace almost any curse word. It is commonly used as an insult. It can replace words like duck, fucker, mother-fucker, faggot, nigger, slut, whore, cock sucker, the list goes on.
"Shut the hell up you skag lick"
by MessiTheSavageSkagLick March 6, 2016
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Used to describe somebody who is quite dirty, annoying, and a bit of a tramp.
'You are such an annoying skag rat!!!'
by I Pity The Fool June 14, 2007
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Something sold as cocaine which turns out to not be cocaine. Also known as bunk.
"Super stupid bought a nickel bag
Thought it was coke, but it was skag."

From Funkadelic's "Super Stupid"
by blaw707 July 19, 2005
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A word to describe the noise that is made by a girl receiving a cum shot down her throat.
When I blew my load, her skag could be heard all throughout the city.
by Doombah March 8, 2007
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A transexual person who is addicted to heroin and sells there body for the next fix.
I went to get a prostitute but only had enough money for a skag tranny
by bigbud88 December 15, 2010
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To provide somebody with heroin
in a bid to lose their company.
1) Shall we skag off Mark again?

2) Lisa skagged 'er fella off to pop round tonight ferra tup.
3) the nurse skagged mi nan off cos t' tumour were 'urtin' 'er.
by clinical biochemist June 23, 2020
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A porn magazine featuring skags, the british term for slut.
by gdhgdgadhjashjas February 8, 2008
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