A common saying for somebody wanting to leave a place, usually a party. Commonly used as a hint that you need to get going.
by Page Hansen February 21, 2007
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A secluded hang out that few know about. where a man and woman can go to fuck and no one will know and there is usually no one around so you can shit in private.
by Deep Blue 2012 September 10, 2009
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a lovely person who lives inside ass hair. a wet new pair of balls. likes to thrust in the moonlight. has TREMENDOUS groping skills. has an awesome greasy clitoris. great at handling super grandmother.
Lover: oh, I love John McDreampo Jonas Friendly Sharpened Rooster. They have such a creamy barbecue penis vagina hole.
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The Universal Scientific Term For The Female
Jamie: "Stop Rubbing Your Penicular Pencil Sharpener"
Jeanne: "I Can't Help It"
by RangerPickleDick666 December 13, 2019
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Adjective. masterbaition that is lame or not a pleasurable experience
Dude... I just Sharpen the Pencil...
by Turtlepie November 29, 2016
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An act of sexual mutilation where a woman place a razor blade between her breasts prior to a titty-fucking.
"Are you still looking into getting circumcised?"

"No need. A girl surprised me with a Glaswegian Pencil Sharpener last week!"
by Quinterious December 12, 2020
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Before you get a blow job your partner fills their mouth with cat litter then proceeds with giving you a blow job
Had to go to the hospital after getting a pencil sharpener
by Exit_69_BIGBEAVER October 6, 2022
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