When a girl is so horny, she takes a schneiders hot dog weiner and sticks it up her pussy(VAGINA) to substitute for a real penis. A hot dog is cheaper then a dildo.
Dane: Jenna was so horny last-night, she did the Schneiders Pussy Plug.... and the weiner got stuck!

Matt: Hahaha what a horny animal!!!!!

Dane: Yeah, but I was supprised because isnt she a lesbian?

Matt: Yeah, but she is a bi-sexual!

Dane: oh yeah, I forgot.
by Big Mac1 November 13, 2007
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McKayla Schneider is a very cruel, and inconsiderate person. She often makes fun of this really cool kid I know named Coty Johnson. He's really awesome but she never gives him a chance. She actually set his dog on fire. She's a bully. Don't be her friend.
"Wow that McKayla Schneider is a bully. Let's not be her friend, and be friends with Coty Johnson instead. He's way cooler."
by Kenny Bourbon November 16, 2013
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Doom is a drummer in german Neue Deutsche Härte band Rammstein.
Did you know that Christoph "Doom" Schneider is a drummer?
by sssSomebody March 8, 2018
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An annoying laugh that happens when stuff isn’t funny.
Olivia: This fish sure smells fishy!

Audience: *Dan Schneider Laugh Track*
by milkdrops March 15, 2021
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a stupid fucking Canadian man whole loves Tim Hortons, hockey, and pc games....

....and weezer
Alec C. Schneider is a stupid Canadian
by lunadatuna February 27, 2022
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When one gets an erection from feet.
“I was watching a icarly with my brother and I got an erection, I think I Schneidered”
by That one urban Dictionary user December 26, 2022
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"I really love Christoph Schneider, the drummer of Rammstein, but Frau Schneider is the best you've ever seen of him/j"
by maruxke August 23, 2022
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