The ladder of ownage
Lowest: you are the bitch to who powned you
2nd step: You are shuned by who owned you
3rd step: Owner
Top: Powner
I am on top of the ownage pyramid!!!
by Larry Franks October 18, 2007
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when a girl lies down face-down and the guy gets on top of her and penetrates her.
I fucked sally in the ownage position last night, it was amazing.
by e^2 to the pie December 18, 2006
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1 during the act of almost a fatal loss you come back with an amazing almost unbelievable, and remarkable, come back making you either win, or come close enough to your victory

2 you are being being owned to a degree of which you would consider dieing

3 term used by noobies who do player kills, but then later die
setting, video game, presumably halo 2
person a: "dude i just pwned your last life"
person b sneaks up behind person a and shoots the fucking life out of him, then kills him 20 times with out a single death
person b: "this is uber ownage nooby"
person a: "FUCK YOU!"
by nooby bot February 18, 2008
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when you REALLY REALLY beat someone. To the point that it was almost as good as sex.
(winning the b-ball game 150-0)
man that was some serious vaginal ownage
by TheDudeAbides February 26, 2004
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A term used to define a period of time in which one person or one team straight up owns everyone else in Halo or Halo 2. It can be used for single player purposes, when one dominates an entire field of enemy covenant and/or flood, but it is most commanly used during multiplayer.
Damn dude we just shut them out 50 kills to none, we were unstoppable.
Yeah that was some mad halo ownage right there.
by EVH March 12, 2005
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the part of the battle where player begins to defeat the opposition with extreme prejudice and effeciency.
That dude just started his ownage phase. Three headshots in a row is crazy
by Solareon November 25, 2003
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n. When one is completely submissive (ie, the "biotch") to another during a conflict
Lin exhibited complete ownage over Joe the other day with a bombardment of pillows. Joe went home feeling less of a man.
by Trey P. September 30, 2006
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