The act of overdosing on caffeine.

See also: Mondays, Seizures, Coffee
"Dude I think Christine had a caffeine overdose!"
Christine: *seizuring* "CALL 911 HELP ME"
by Bruhsaffgotass July 1, 2023
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When A woman sees her man's Cock, and has a heat/hot Flash--!!
I saw His Big Cock, and had a Heat Overdose
by Dusty Stone November 20, 2020
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When a Bitch orgasms multiple times in one fuck session and in a variety of combinations of the different types. Like, clitorial, vaginal, anal. A thru Z spot. And when her husband shoots his load in her ass 1 1/2 hours later she is mumbling incoherent ramblings and she’s shaking from head to toe with aftershocks because she’s orgasmed so many times she is comitose. Later on when she finally cums out of her orgasm induced coma she reveals tasting her mans jizz in her mouth while getting the shit fucked out of her and her man didn’t jizz in her mouth he jizzed in her ass!!! I literally seen the inside of my skull when my eyes rollled in the back of my head. If I die this way, know I died doing what I love and in complete orgasm overdose!!
“Dude, last night I fucked my wife for hours. She squirted one orgasm after another until she finally was mostly unconscious and in orgasm overdose. It was awesome!”
by Baaadass Bitch (Bab) April 16, 2019
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when you listen to so much love-themed music, most likely performed by Frank Sinatra, that, instead of happy, you become sad
I was in a good mood today, so I listened to some Sinatra, then some more and now I've got Sinatra overdose
by radoniel February 1, 2023
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When you drink or eat so much sugary things that you get a major sugar rush
If I drink anymore lucozade I’ll have a sugar overdose
by Heygirlie October 2, 2020
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When youve been getting it on for over 72 hours and you start overdosing on it.
Symptoms include
-Pain, Numbess or swelling
"She nearly dick overdosed on me yesterday"
by PHDInPhotography June 12, 2022
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When discord, a program for chatting with other gamers, crashes during something.
by LordAltear January 20, 2021
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