A lawn mower laugh is a type of guardrail screech that sounds like a car starting.
This is a lawn mower laugh.Says a joke,"NH NH NH NH NH" SO FUNNY "NH NH NH NH NH"
by Un-Virgined Oil April 8, 2021
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a razor used to shave a man's testicular area. Also a term to be randomly shouted.
by Samantha June 28, 2004
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Hitting from the back with a fat chick you grab and pull her love handles up repeatedly like trying to start an old lawn mower
I want to give that big beauty a Mexican lawn mower
by Raptormage19 July 1, 2014
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When someone makes an awkward joke, and no body laughs.
-Joe: "My name is Jeff!"
-No one laughs
-Everyone: "Lawn mower joke!"
-Joe travels back to Zimbabwe and cries himself to sleep
by Colbath December 21, 2014
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When a person of the opposite or same sex, with braces, is eating out a girl, she gets grass (pussy hair) in her mouth
George gave sara the North Dakota lawn mower and then george used his toothbrush, later that night sara used that toothbrush and wondered why it smelled like pussy
by typical tyler July 30, 2008
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Term when asked means figuratively that your a badass.
Cutler: "Hows your lawn Mower?"
The Hodge: "They can't stop us!"
by The Hodge February 8, 2006
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