Mildra is a shy quite type, but she also has a bit of spunk. When you get to know her there isn’t much; once you’re close you have great meaningful conversations. Mildra makes for an amazing friend and a fantastic girlfriend, anyone who gets the chance to have any type of relationship with her is a lucky one. Mildra has some deep, dark secrets that are not transparent, and will only tell if she has full trust in you. Mildra has been through some shit and won’t take any more, but if you get to her heart, she won’t hesitate to forgive you. Mildra has substance. She never gets old to talk to, it’s so fun to here about her likings and interests and makes you want to ask so many questions. She’s insecure about some things but, ask anyone and they’ll disagree. Along with having a very flavorful personality, Mildra is one of the most beautiful faces to talk to. When she smiles you have no choice but to smile too. Mildra has the most happy eyes that you can explore and get lost in. She’s a very secretive person but it makes for surprises around every corner. She is the type of person you’d want to be there for, and for no apparent reason. Sometimes it’s hard to understand your feelings about Mildra but you know it’s certainly good. Whenever you get a message or notification from you phone, you only hope it’s her. But don’t get on her bad side, she’s not always so charming. Mildra is a great person to have on your side, for anything. You’d be lucky to pass a Mildra in the hallway!
Mildra (Mila) is one of my favorite people to talk to!
by Notbigdog52788 January 29, 2021
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Oi Mila. Shes like what cunt. And then I was like to you listen to rap. and she was like yeah i listen to A$AP Rocky and blueface the crip rapper. Then you must know ronny j on that beat bitch! Damn slutasurous sex up on this bitch
by merry christmas fuck my santa December 26, 2018
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A rare syndrome classified by the following characteristics:

First, and most important, shameless narcissism... An over exaggerated sense of self importance and worth in this universe and beyond

Secondly, the syndrome, is highly contagious... Those exposed to a person with Mila Syndrome, often feel better about themselves almost immediately...
"Omg, I totally have Mila Syndrome...we ARE the hottest couple in the universe, and beyond..."
by drsnowbro January 19, 2014
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Joining a game or discord call, Upon joining will be asked how they are doing, but then proceed to say nothing or don't do anything, after about a minute, will leave without saying anything, aware of the their mic working, although they believe they aren't doing anything, It annoys the ever living shit outta everyone else
Person 1: Joins discord call

Person 2: "Hey P1 How are you?"

Silence for about 10-30 seconds

Person 1: Leaves

Person 2: Swear to god, They keep Pulling a Mila.
by builder85 March 9, 2019
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