The hottest kind of Italian guy, a straight 10/10 chad who takes care of himself, go jim and is the one who always have fucking tons of girls without moving a finger.
Girl - "Hey what's this guy's name ? He's so hot !"
Dude - "Oh him ? He's Matteo."
by GrosSimp July 7, 2022
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Matteo is a god he is the sexiest person in the world. He knows how to treat a woman. You will not resist him. He will usually be the best at Soccer and Math.
Person 1: Oh my god did you see Matteo?
Person 2: Yeah he's so hot!
by juventusu-11 December 14, 2021
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A man who loves to look at kindergarten highlights, some say he might have teached EDP445 on how to pick up the underage girls.
Look at that child, I hope she doesn´t get kidnapped by Matteo
by Bilanus April 25, 2023
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Big Retard go boom boom, disabled, plays basketball on sand inside a tank
Guy: Whats up Matteo
by BIGTIMEN-WORD June 24, 2023
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A person that think he,s the best but in reality is a furry and a fatherus missingus his father gott so missing he faded away into the sun because of his son matteo.
person 1: what the fuck is that!
person 2: thats a Matteo.
person 1:Ya i se he is ugly as fuck and is that a furry outfit?
person 2: yes he has also no father and he is called god of fatherus missingus and he sucks at everything and has one iq and is the ugliest person in the world and is the weakest as well.
by qetyuioo May 4, 2022
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