Combining usually internet or other types of videos whilst some times incorporating music to create a new video that either may be centered around one more themes, or merely to show all of the videos together.
Hes "mashing" together auto-tune remix videos.
by Sir. Kick Ass February 19, 2011
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i walked in on her was gross.and stunk.
by bnt07 November 22, 2011
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Tim is a great guy, he is MASH, making awesome shit happen.

I went to succeed faster, all they did was MASH; make awesome shit happen.
by unique August 8, 2014
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To click on something or push a button.

Usually used in the deep south.
I type in my user name and password then I mash on Log In.

I mashed on the doorbell.
by Spirit Bear February 3, 2010
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the state of being in big trouble without excuses left

adj. (-ed)
in big trouble without excuse
Jacki was a mash after Kee walked in on her and Herm.

Gigi knew she was a mashed gal when the cop pulled her over.
by galcoolest July 16, 2005
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where a fat bitch gets screwed so hard the fat creases on her ass get a rash
fuck me she got mashed
by the creator of words December 5, 2010
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The act of strolling into your local supermarket and heading toward the fruit and veg section. Where you start to masturbate yourself as vigorous as possible, ending with a creamy substance left all over the potatoes, much like Planking became an internet sensation many have taken to Mashing in much the same way.
Andrew: "Look at that girl over there by the tomatoes, she's got her hands right down her knickers."
Richard: "Who? Catherine? Squatting over the Potatoes? She must have her whole fist up there man."
Andrew: "Yeah, she's Mashing hard dude."
by TheDevil'sAdvocate September 15, 2011
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