A game that is probably most amusing to 10 year olds. A sentence is written out with blank spots, and in each blank spot you get your friends to insert a word that matches the part of speech specified. Unfortunately, when you're of an age that mad libs are funny, you probably don't fully understand the difference between a noun and a verb, an adjective and an adverb. See example.
I sat down on the ___(noun)__ and proceeded to ___(verb)___ . After that I decided to try to ___(verb)__ very ___(adv)__. I always __(verb)__ when the __(noun)__ is __(adj)__. Isn't it great to __(verb)__?


I sat down on the __very__ and proceeded to __book__. After that I decided to try to __run__ very __runningsuit__. I always ___computer__ when the __great__ is __email.__ Isn't it great to __mad libs__?
by bandcampgirl183 September 16, 2005
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A lifeless liberal, an insult used to offend any democratic advocate, and can be overexaggerated to just mean you have no life, and you are a liberal.
Stfu Lifeless Lib, nobody gives a shit about your discord server with 1.5k members, nobody ASKED!
by bruh_w0w December 11, 2021
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Short for Jeep Liberty. But usually referred to a specific black jeep liberty that resides in Lakeland, Florida.
We took that j-lib for a spin and andrea puked.
by anonymous March 24, 2005
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Hack writing at its purest form.
With Ad-Libs, idiots can now make their own stupid book just by filling in the blanks.
by hi, my name is Name August 30, 2007
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When someone is filling out an ad-lib and writes in each blank a form of the poop.

These words could be anything from pooping, poop, poops, to some made up words, such as pooply.
John: Hey how'd your ad-lib come out?

Kent: I poop libed it
by imhilarious1234 December 2, 2011
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Not the fill-in-the-blank game, it's when SJW (Social Justice Warrior) liberals get mad over dumb things.

Kaylee: "There go some more Mad Libs."
by TheGalaxyDemøn October 24, 2017
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