A slut that ruins the lives of the many people she has affairs with; they typically destroy everything you had, have, and will have.
Stephanie Gray is a major homewrecker, she destroyed the lives of Sean, Zac, Tyler, and Jeff; SHE SLEPT WITH THEM ALL, AND THEY'RE HER CO-WORKERS!
by loveyaHUN26 June 14, 2011
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The woman you envy because she's hotter than you and has enough game to steal your man out from under you.
She ruined my life..... I wish my body looked like hers. But instead of working out so I can get my boyfriend back, I think I'll wallow in my misery, eat a gallon of ice cream, and publicly trash that homewrecker for being hotter than I am.
by strnbllr August 17, 2011
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A 1.75 liter of booze, usually found in a lower income househould, probably on the kitchen counter, usually owned by a person wearing a wife-beater.
Dude, should we get a liter of Jack or should we get the homewrecker? Stupid question Shane.
by Krant March 6, 2010
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Someone who destroys your life by stealing your girlfriend and then making out with her anytime they see you so that you can not go to any parties or events anymore due to the pain. Because of this you turn into an emo person with no life.
Don: fucking homewrecker
Mason: she never liked you
Don then pulls out a pistol and shoots mason before killing himself.
by tim hawkins April 27, 2008
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The homewrecker is the 24 to 30 pack of beer like keystone light. The alcoholism destroys the family.
Me: So how are things going at home.
Him: Not to good, it's only 11 a.m. and he just bought a homewrecker
by Siouxsie Supertramp November 11, 2019
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A person who screws up your relationship with someone and is a complete whore about it. His/her act of homewrecking includes lots of lying and backstabbing. don't be friends with a homewrecking whore!
girl 1: did you hear what sara did?! that was so bitchy of her
girl 2: yeah she's such a homewrecking whore.
by not a homewrecker September 30, 2010
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a woman who knows a man is taken and has a girl, and she still pursues the chance to mess up a happy home.
Janet Bender aka Luvamuffin aka homewrecking whore can be found on tagged.com, or facebook and loves to meet taken men whos ladies are at home pregnant. Will go as far as to pick the man up at the subway station and host for them to spend the night. Lives in Mechanicsville, MD and does not respond to the messages left to her by the women whos life she is messing up. shes old enough to be these mens mother................
by itsme12345 February 15, 2010
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