fucking cunt, say it infront of ur mum when u aint allowed 2 swear
mum u cucking funt. eat my betty swallocks
by mitz & bullet March 21, 2004
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An easy to say funny cunt without the need to say the word cunt. (best used in classroom situations, or places where bad language is not accepted)
when someone mke fun of you or makes a bad attempt to make fun of you, you say..
Yeah ur a cunny-funt
by TheCat May 9, 2003
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the act of being a cunny funt is the act of being funny. It is mainly an australian used word it describes being a funny cunt. less of an insult and more praise
fuck tom dylan you're a cunny funt aye
by itsyaboiskinnypenis01 April 19, 2018
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an incredibly hammish way to say 'f***ing c***'. ahahaha. i laugh
'you cucking funt' in non-aggressive form
by branners October 15, 2003
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