if u see her post a video of her making a heart on a foggy car window u lost
she just posted a a heart on foggy car window im gonna kill my self
by May 10, 2022
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A sexual act; when you cum in a girls' eye and send her out the door. With or without her clothes. I suppose that's up to you.
You: "My girlfriend was being such a bitch last night."
Me: "Really? What did you do?"
You: "I gave her a foggy walk home!"
Me: "Hahaha, that's funny."
by Robyn Hannah May 26, 2007
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British slang for shameful yet dignified defecation.
"Oliver, good fellow, where has Harry run off to?"
"Harry? Why I do believe he's off for a foggy London alley nap."
by goodkindsir January 18, 2019
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Originated from The George Washington University:
To make loud rhythmic clinking noises from above a room, so as to scare people and make them think there is a murderer with an ice picker picking their way through the ceiling.
*clink clink clink* "O NO! It's the Foggy Bottom Ice Picker!"

"The people upstairs are doing it loudly."
"Shit! It's too rhythmic for fucking, it must be the Foggy Bottom Ice Picker!"
by Kingston's Shawty September 7, 2009
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It is a bit foggy, someones uncle
"Its a bit foggy"
"the guys uncle"
by The Rick April 18, 2003
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another name for a famous person named gogy (twitch streamer georgenotfound) :)
me: OMG I LOVE GOGY WOGGY POGGY SOGGY FOGGY FROGGY he is my bf and he doesnt know it yet

my friend: wtf is that

me: do u not know!? its gogy!!

my friend: OHHH YESSS well then i love dweamy weamy hes MY bf and he doesnt know it yet.

me: i-
by Toes Feet January 16, 2022
when you take a fat rip and blow the smoke into her pussy, then proceed to fuck her.
person 1: "he really gave her a foggy Tuesday, didn't he?"

person 2: "yea bro, shit was wiiiild..."
by Axel_ March 14, 2021
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