A seizure boi. he seizes every day bro. gets lit in the hospital.
dont be an Evan or you'll seize everywhere....
by evanseizes65658 September 26, 2018
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A very imbicillic child who enjoys making themselves look stupid for the enjoyment of others.
Boy 1: Dayumm, that evan is so funny because he jumped out a third story window!
by Rhazer July 13, 2009
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a fat stinky ugly whale shaped, hippopotamis round circled obese fuck, gets triggered over anything stutters everytime he talks, doesnt know how to speak and says ¨uhh¨ every sentence, likes honeybuns, twinkes, little debbies chocholate covered donuts, is gay as fuck, a dumbass hick, a loner, has no friends, no one likes an evan. they´re all fat and future obese my 600 pound life stars.
me: ¨hey look its evan¨
friend: ¨oh no, not that diabetic fuck¨
by bigsnagn February 24, 2022
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Evan is an annoying and clingy weird human being. he’s so fucking clingy and doesn’t even let you eat cereal without clinging to you. he is the definition of a simp.
Have you met Evan? Yeah he’s really annoying.
by evanandreesetogether June 25, 2020
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A guy with an amazing dad.
Hey hod dad is fit.
Yeah that's evan.
by Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvan July 5, 2012
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A Evan is a guy that’s gives the best hug and makes everyone feel good on the inside when with them and he seems to have tons of energy you would like to take away from him who most of his friends are girls but seem not to be able to date them and always gets in to a friend zone while trying learn how to say no to other girls
Man I think I pulled an Evan in class today with Taylor
by Ricktickler2000 February 9, 2018
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