People who, under the pretext of religion and false "moral truths" perpetuate their greed and gain in a free-market system by exploiting the poor and working to extinguish as many civil liberties as possible. They also typically label pacifists and intellectuals as "freedom haters" and other ridiculous bullshit.
Conservatives are just Nazis without armbands. They wear ties instead of Swastikas but they hate Jews and blacks and homosexuals openly.
by KosmikKrazyKat February 26, 2005
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Usually a person who believes more in their own self interests (i.e. price of their gas) then the welfare of others or the environment.
'09 conservative: Offshore drilling is a great idea!
'09 liberal: But what if there's a oil spill?
'09 conservative: Like that's ever gonna happen
by carebear89 June 15, 2010
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A person or party who are rather close-minded. They make decisions based upon traditional views and standpoints. They are rather frightened when it comes to new ideas or concepts.
Conservatives can't accept the fact that times change.
by robart December 27, 2005
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Note: from the standpoint of a liberal

Usually this word is directly affiliated with the Republican party. The way it is defined today means strict laws that favor the Bible and other older teachings, a group that opposes loose personal freedoms but favors loose economic freedoms. Pretty much, anybody who believes that the greater half of life is the work life.
Conservative can be used to describe liberals as well, because liberals favor loose personal freedoms but strict economic laws.

Here's some food for thought:
Democrats are more likely to be involved in scandals NOT INVOLVED with their jobs. Clinton is an example.
Republicans are more likely to be involved in scandals INSIDE their jobs. Tom DeLay is an example.
Above, above.

Type into Google: 2004 Election by IQ. It's pretty hilarious, and may be hard to swallow at first. Also type in '2004 Election by divorce rate' , '2004 Election by education level' , and anything you may find family or education oriented. Favors democrats, mostly New England where I live. More children are left behind in the Bible Belt than anywhere else in the country. Also, the two places that were attacked on Sept 11 are very heavily democratic, which is ironic when you think about it.

Conservative means something entirely different today than it did thrity years ago
by Diego D. A. May 31, 2006
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1. Formerly, one who favors the conservation of traditional views and values. (This definition is now archaic used only in reference to individuals who lived before 1960)

2. A wealthy person who exploits the fears and predjudices of ignorant and uneducated individuals in order to further his own economic, social, and political interests (see 'economic conservative').

3. An ignorant and uneducated person so manipulated (see 'social conservative').

Even though granddaddy made it through the depression working for the WPA and daddy went to college on the GI bill, I always vote conservative because liberals want just want to take my tax money and use it to give handouts to the coloreds.
by hound dawg June 17, 2003
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People who want to destroy america by letting the poor starve in the streets while having little bitch fits about not getting there tax cuts.


gun toteing rednecks
conservatives: george bush is a gun toteing redneck who is letting the poor starve and making the rich richer

makes sense why some1 would do that
i mean
its brilliant
george bush is an idiot
by scottieee June 30, 2006
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1. Somebody on the right side of the political spectrum.

2. A person that doesn't believe in equal rights.
Conservatives like to blast liberals for their views, despite the fact that they are only trying to make the country a better place for ALL of its citizens, not just the wealthy.
by redhed311 April 29, 2005
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