by EthernetExpert April 6, 2024
some sort of guardians sent by the aliens called the combine to control the people after humanity lost the 7 hour war. the cowardly monkey ass ASSass called wallace breen allied with them and became the administrator of earth. he kinda is the ambassador nobody asked for. under his control, there are the combine overwatch. they are police people that prevent people from rebelling. they do it anyway. they only exist in the half-life franchise. (francheese? french fries? fuck it, idk how to spell that)
by Smartass2 April 18, 2017
by Ttrom19 March 1, 2016
This uses multiple varying note lengths to make an ending instead of using OneNote to end it. It uses many notes from two to even eight. A common example is in one measure to use 2 8th notes ending with a quarter note on the tonic.
by Fruit Hunter August 17, 2023