In other words, trash.
Oh my God, that girl is so bad at flirting. She's like a Cecilia!
by Tomoe_1 October 5, 2020
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A amazing friend to have and just a calm and relaxed person in general the have a face of a goddess and a body of a model whenever you see her always let her know she's amzing
'Have you seen Cecilia? '
'Yeah,isn't she stunning! '
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Cecilia is kind, loud, extroverted, and loyal she'll keep your secrets and be your personal therapist and help with anything and everything normally goes by cc.
random kid: who just screamed?
bsf:oh that, that was just cecilia
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cecilia is the hottest person i know and we all know that everyone knows that shes super hot. she has a really hot onion growing and really tall garlics
cecilia is so cool
by ejjeejw April 3, 2022
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