To have abandoned or nixed
I 86'edmy project bcause it sucked.
by Jman December 21, 2004
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To dump,(86), a girlfriend or a girl of similar relationship status.
"Bro, I can't come chill tonight.. my girl is making me stay in again."

"You really gotta 86 the bitch for good my man."
by Adam Robotool May 23, 2009
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In the early days of the Remington and Royal typewriters, when paper was expensive and the results messy, overtyping to block out errors (e.g.: old prices on the daily menu or items out of stock) was common. Repeated typing
of the the digits 86 over a word would cover almost any previously typed word. The X was also used, and when you either typed "X" or "86" over a word the resulting edit was always called an "86" and anything so blotted out was "86'd". That's the connection with Delmonico's, and other downtown NYC eateries where the menus were printed for the day or week and had to be "overtyped" to eliminate items off the menu.
The raw oysters were 86'd by the time we got seated for dinner.
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Restraunt industry jargon for an item that has been removed, temporarily from the menu and is no longer available to be sold or served. Usually for the reason that the supply of said item has run out.
The deal with the preschool fell through, so the filet of child sandwhich is 86'd.
by GFW August 1, 2006
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Being kicked out of a place and not being able to come back.
Man they just 86'd me outta smiths for stealin a pack of gum!
by T.Moore:l April 28, 2011
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An awesome Christian hardcore rock group. It has four members who have stuck by it from the beginning, even though their names have changed now and then.

They have four albums (in chronological order):

Project 86
Drawing Black Lines
Truthless Heroes
Songs to Burn Your Bridges By

The best album is Truthless Heroes, which has an almost cult like following in the undergroud that completely transcends the bands popularity.

And whoever said that the latest album was the hardest needs to check what's in their crack pipe, because as with almost every hardcore band, the first album was the hardest. Drawing Black lines probably ties with Songs for the tamest album, but neither are by any stretch mellow.
Random Kid: Hey, this says Project 86's drummer is named Hatchet!

P86 Fan: Yeah, he used to have a real name, but they completely disregarded the deep occultic truths of Truthless Heroes and sold out to a vast corrupt media system.
by The Gecko July 15, 2005
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