The wit of someone who wears an orange tuxedo, drives 2 thousand miles for a girl they hardly know and is willing to trade a 1988 Chevy Econoline van for a mini-bike using the milage as a good bargaining point.
by TeamJPD March 10, 2004
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Hooking up with someone that you don't want anyone to find out about. Sneaking around to to be with someone.
Are you trying to get some sneaky be's wits from that girl?
by fatbox November 23, 2005
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When someone talks to you and throws you off with distracting information then suddenly reveals their true form and attacks you without any apparent reason. From the video game Dragon Age: Origins.
"Eyes are on you from a very high vantage, Grey Warden. I cannot hide in your wake, and I will not be a footnote! Witness Gaxkang!"

(transforms into an undead boss and starts attacking your party)
by Maki_Man November 22, 2009
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knit-wit: A person with a flair, knack or love of the knitting/crocheting craft; Handy with yarn and needles; A knitting/crocheting enthusiast.
Jan could hardly contain herself about the upcomming knitting cruise. "Yes. that Jan - she's a real knit-wit!"
by isabelydancer00 July 28, 2010
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To fuck with something. Something you approve of.
Something you like.

Alternatively can also be used to say, i dont fux with you. As in i dont like you
A: Hey, i fux with your fit
(I like your outfit)
B: Thanks man
by Del Snorte June 29, 2018
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A small, newly formed religion religion that believes This, a newly formed religion, is based on the ideology that Aunt Jemima is an omnipotent being that watches over the stack of pancakes that is the world as we know it. The stack of pancakes represents a multi-layered universe in which the top layer is seen as "heaven"; the middle, earth; and the lower, "hell". The butter on top of the stack is believed to be the very dwelling of Jemima herself! This layer idea is supported loosely by string theory (where multiple universe are layered side by side). It is believed that Mrs. Butterworth resides and rules the Lowest Pancake, where she attempts to thwart Aunt Jemima and all of her syrupy goodness. Mrs.Butterworth is indeed the essence of evil! Last, but certainly not least, we believe that you should "Eat a Better Breakfast "!
I'm Jemima's Witnesses. I believe that Mrs Butterworth is evil.
by Geshman WG October 11, 2010
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1. (In legal proceedings) the act of a cross examining lawyer being harrassing or combative towards a witness.
2. (slang) male masturbation
1. Objection sustained, do not badger the witness.
2. Since I didn't get lucky at the bar, I badgered the witness when i got home.
by Arronos del Pavronos March 17, 2006
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