Ubuntu is an ancient african word, meaning "I can't configure Debian"
I installed Ubuntu yesterday, it was way more easier than Debian
by oSuperDaveo April 28, 2006
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1. An African phrase meaning "humanity towards others".

2. A distribution of Linux
1. "A person with ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others, does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for he or she has a proper self-assurance that comes from knowing that he or she belongs in a greater whole and is diminished when others are humiliated or diminished, when others are tortured or oppressed."

2. Ubuntu is a nice distro. I dual boot between Ubuntu and Windows.
by NeoChaos January 19, 2005
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The most well known linux distribution, comes with the GNOME environment and a complete set of tools for everyday use. It is also very easy to use, and to install. It has 2 main variants: Kubuntu and xubuntu in which each uses a different environment. Kubuntu uses KDE, and xubuntu uses xfce. It is also very easy to switch to if you were a windows user.
Guy1: Yes i just got windows Vista! W00t!
Guy2: Wow, good luck.
Guy1: Why, it just cost me 500 of my hard earned cash! It must be great.
Guy2: If you use windows, your a slave to microsoft and profit companies.
Guy1: Then what should i use?
Guy2: Ubuntu.
Guy1: Uh, ok.
by Anonymous ubuntu user January 26, 2009
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One of the new 6 billion Pokemon that have no powers that are original or even good. In fact, if you pay attention to Pokemon that closely, you're probably Asian and younger than 10, and/or gay.*

*reference xkcd
"Have you seen the new Ubuntu release?"
"Nah, I'm not into Pokemon."
by RobertOldhead March 19, 2008
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John: Awww man last night was great, I ubuntu'd all over that bitch.

Mike: Indeed that must have been great!
by ubuntu007 May 7, 2009
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An operating system that claims that it's easy to use, but in reality requires a PHD in Computer Science.
Ubuntu's slogan: "Ubuntu: Linux for Human Beings".

I can't even figure out how to get on the internets. Does that make me an alien?
by DBotch January 10, 2007
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