Region that's currently in Spain, but is wildly different to the rest of this country. Catalunya is its name in Catalan, its English name is Catalonia.
by +lluneta+ April 10, 2004
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Place where Catalan people live. Some Catalans don't want to consider it part of Spain, and want it to be independent. Its weather is sometimes cold, sometimes hot. There are lots of interesting buildings to visit, and quite a lot of interestnig places to go too.
by Shinobu November 28, 2004
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Catalonia (Catalunya) is one of the 17 autonomic communities which nowadays constitute Spain.
It is usually recognized for its language, Catalan, spoken by more than 8 milion people around the world.

Catalonia is one of the first most important centers from the first Neolithic in the Occidental Mediterranean, so as from the second.
It sufered the invation of the Greeks in the fifth century (BC) and the romans in the 3d century (BC) which represented big social movements; the muslim invasion and so.
It was a well known independent kingdom till the XIV century, when it took part in the spanish empire. And finally in the XVII and XVIII century, La guerra de sucesión (the succession war) finished with the political independence of Catalonia.

Nowadays Catalonia still has its culture, language, monuments, humor and people...being so diferent from the spanish.
But yeah, I guess it doesn't deserve being recognized independent, after all, spaniards got here first, right?
by Sean San October 12, 2005
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Catalunya is the Catalan name of Catalonia, an ancient nation and, presently, a region of Spain with many differences - they don't sing flamenco, they don't like bullfights, many of them don't speak Spanish, but rather Catalan ('bona nit', not 'buenas noches') - and which is actually older than Spain. They once governed the Mediterranean Sea.
I visited Catalunya and now I know what a castell is.
by BonaNit October 8, 2005
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Little european country between France and Spain. They speak catalan (latin language) and are generally friendly people. Mountains at the north (Pyrenees) and beautiful mediterranean beaches at the east. Very good food and wine (specially Priorat).

If you go there don't look for flamenco or bullfights, they have "castells", one of the most beautiful and exciting tradicions I've ever seen in a country. If you ever go to Catalonia you can't miss it.
Go to see castells and you'll get the essence and way of life of people in Catalunya.
by capb July 17, 2006
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Catalunya is north of Valencia, south of France and east of Aragón
by Ximo August 11, 2003
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Is delimitated by, france, mediterranean sea, Aragón, and València. The capital of Catalunya is Barcelona,where Miró was born. In catalonia there are two official languages: Catalan and Spanish.

Now Catalonia want to leave Spain. And they will!
Catalunya rules!
by visca la erra lliure November 25, 2010
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