The act of Masturbating, and once you have reached maximum pleasure... You instantly feel ashamed/guilty for this act. This is called Porn Guilt!
'I watched some filthy porn at the weekend, once I had cum, I couldn't even think about what I did.... Pure Porn Guilt'
by millyP April 10, 2014
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Guilt Porn occurs when people fish for 're-tweets' and "shares" by embedding some sort of personal attack in their original post, causing the victim to be forced to share the message, not because they happen to agree with it, but because they feel the need to defend themselves from the attack.
This is ridiculous Guilt Porn: "If you don't share this anti-cancer message, you're selfish!", "Share This Religious image if you're a REAL MAN. Or, more commonly, "I bet 80% of you won't re-post this...".
by Eats Paste December 4, 2014
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Feeling guilty after having an orgasm when watching porn.
P1: I was watching porn last night and I started feeling guilty and was like "why am I watching this?"

P2: You just had that Porn After-Guilt (PAG) . You'll get over it in a couple minutes
by KanyesFavoriteSweater February 27, 2016
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