An act of eroticism or love where one partner regurgitates recently-ingested food directly into the mouth of the other partner. Meant to be a sign or symbol of extreme affection. The practice is derived from the nurturing of a mother bird for her hatchlings, where she chews up her food and spits it directly into the mouth of her babies to nourish them while they are still unable to feed themselves.
Friend: "Last night after dinner, my girlfriend and I did birdie style."
Me: "You must really love each other."
by academyresearcher December 10, 2013
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The guy receiving the blow job makes bird calls, while the the girl giving the blow job flaps her arms like a bird.
I always hear that guy Jeff making bird calls next door. He must be getting those birdy style blow jobs again!
by W3ST December 19, 2006
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