An ambiguous statement that can be used for multiple situations to describe its awesomeness and or fuckery. Can be used both as a negative or a positive depending on context and inflection.
This food is amazing! You took a left on the dick with this one!

I was so drunk last night, I ended up taking a left on the dick, and threw up all over myself.

We spent the whole day just relaxing on the beach. It was super chill, the day just took a left on the dick.
by Jsanti86 July 7, 2013
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A general term for anyone found cruising in the passing (left) lane, holding up the normal flow of traffic.
"I would have been on time, but I got stuck behind Left Lane Dick on the way here"
by 95onI95 June 5, 2004
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Mini-Van Moms (and sometimes dads) that have no concept of their surroundings. You can drive on their bumper for an hour flickering your high beams and trying to get them to move will have no effect...they are in their own world...
That chick in the grey Caravan is a real Left Lane Dick!
by IhateLeftLaneDrivers June 7, 2004
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Anybody with a Pennsylvania license plate. They're always the ones going 55mph in the left lane, with the right lanes completely damn clear.
"I nearly rear ended this asshole who was going 55mph in the left lane!"

"Gotta hate them left lane dicks..."
by Sir E. Braum February 19, 2009
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The action of shoving a mans dick in a womens pussy all night
Hey, how did you like when i left my dick in the kitten
by dicksonś kitten owner December 19, 2017
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a wise man who has never been in a realtionship dick´s sag to right. as soon as a onse wise man gets into a realtionship he is then prompted with the thought ¨man this nigga better not fuck me over gang¨. well guess what g, the nigga fucked you over💀. now the unhappy man´s dick now is sagging to the LEFT as the nigga didnt treat him RIGHT.

awareness must be created, never let a nigga fuck you over left dick sag disorder is a 100% common side affect of getting into a realtionship. be careful out there you never know who gon fuk u over next. ¨the most poisonous people come disguised as friends or family¨-a wise nigga
man this bitch finna get me Left Dick Sag Disorder.. I better hop outa this jawn.
by white boy conner May 18, 2022
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