JaSire = Ja for James, and Sire for King.
JaSire is James's son, James is King Dirty Redd!
King Dirty Redd, aka Jame begoten JaSire.
by King Dirty Redd February 3, 2010
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A brave kind hearted,courageous soul who always gets the ladies and might be a little shy once in a blue moon,he will be a very funny person you ever meet he smooth talk ladies and also good at romance if you have a chance with him you should go out with him he is also very loyal and has the best personality
Jasir your so funny
by Gshcfchy May 7, 2019
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A sexy guy who can take yo girl and he is the G.O.A.T and has at least 20 inch cock to pull u in ur moms
Jasir why did u have to take my girl
by Stgjasir May 6, 2018
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